Monday, May 27, 2013


Friday night we went to Truckeroo! Chan found it on the net. It's parked outside Washington Nationals stadium - and all food trucks of DC line up. We had lobster roll, soft shell crab poboy, a Mojo sandwich (voted our fav), Korean tacos, Italian ice cream & custard.

Day on the National Mall, Friday 5/17/13

Our Friday was full of fun - We walked over six miles this day. We started at Capitol Hill, down to the Smithsonian Museums, across to the White House, back over to the Mall to see the WWII Memorial, up to Lincoln Memorial and over to Foggy Bottom GWU to ride subway back to Capitol Hill to fetch our car....whew!  Sunny, hot, humid, but fun! 

Chan was intrigued by the Secret Service, who weren't so secret.

The architecture done so many years ago - amazing! 

Glorious spring day!

Sweet Bubby taking a break - by day's end her toes in those silly flip flops were killing her!

Wilbur & Orville's little machine that could! First in flight!

One could get lost for hours in the Air & Space Museum

The most famous diamond in the world.  The infamous Hope Diamond - 45.52 carats. Also known as Le Bijou du Rol or "The King's Jewel." In France it is called Le bleu de France or "The Blue of France."  It is blue to the naked eye due to the trace amounts of boron in it's crystal structure. It is also famed for being cursed. It was discovered between 1640 - 1667. 
Nice little emerald for my birthday!

Yellow diamond


Natural History Museum entrance

The graduation of the entire GWU was held on the National Mall on Sunday (we did not attend). This is the only University in the nation allowed to actually graduate ON THE MALL.

Girls at the White House

Movin' on up! George & Weezie's place...:)

Family Pic in front of White House - 5/17/2013

Again, Chan enthralled with those Secret Service guys....:)

Chan posing in her Jackie O glasses.

AJ at WWII Memorial in front of Army logo


Girls & I in front of WWII fountain. The same day we were here, so was Texas Honor Flight - bringing WWII vets to see the Memorial and DC sites before they are gone.  Included in the group was the nation's oldest WWII vet, 107 year old from Austin!

Cooling off those tootsies that are starting to hurt.

Abe up in his famous perch.


Every American, Democrat or Republican, should see DC, the White House, the Memorials, the museums.  You've paid for it - why not? 
Fact or myth that General Grant's profile in on the back of Lincoln's head?  MYTH. Per the National Park Service, "there are several wayward tufts of Lincoln's wavy hair, but nothing more." 

First American fist pump!  Abe you rock!

Reflection pool looking back up National Mall towards Capitol Hill. As you can see, Washington Monument getting some work after D.C.'s earthquake.

In the subway back up to Capitol Hill! Super clean, fast and fun!

GWU Graduation trip to Washington DC May 2013 - Thurs. Night 5/16/13

We headed to DC for AJ's graduation from GWU.  Our first night we stopped and visited with AJ's brother, Reg.  He and his partner Jason live in a fantastic brownstone (over 100 years old that they are currently renovating) in the area known as "Capitol Hill".  We walked to a local burger joint (one of our best meals in DC) and caught up.

After dinner we walked over to The Sweet Lobby  (Food Network's Cupcake Wars winners) and noshed on divine flavors of cupcakes.  I'm not sorry to say, it wasn't the only time we stopped by their during our short visit...:)  This shot was taking while crossing an intersection on the way to dessert. The sky was a glorious purple! 

Dark chocolate was AJ's fav.  The girls brought home S'mores for their guys. My vice was Mississippi Mud Turtle....O.M.G.!