Friday, January 21, 2011

Wolf Creek Ski

We have hit the slopes daily at Wolf Creek Ski, about 20 miles west of Pagosa. WCS has a base elevation of 10,300, and a summit elevation of 11,904. Average snowfall is 465 inches, the most snow in Colorado. During our week, the snow YTD is 228. 

Yesterday was a fantastic ski day - as usual (except for Wednesday of this week), the skies are gorgeous blue and there's not cloud one in the sky. Pagosa has 200 days a year of sunshine.

We have been a bit sore, but with our daily soakings at The Springs, feel the minerals are really helping how we feel. Yesterday we went into a pool called "The Cliffs". It does not have a filter on it, and comes directly from the mother spring - so ALL minerals go directly into the pool. A local told us this secret - and said a bit of soaking in it would cure anything that ailed us.  The temp was 109 degrees.....
This is our humble abode for the week.

View from our front porch.

We pass this farm on way to ski everyday - it's absolutely gorgeous!

Treasure Falls - obviously frozen this time of year. It is  steeped in folklore and legend. Its name comes from accounts suggesting that a chest full of gold was buried in the area after a group of Frenchmen was captured by either Spaniards or Indians. Visitors can think about the legend as they visit the scenic falls today. In the summer one can either hike to the falls (1/4 mile) or enjoy the view from the highway.

Making our way up San Juan Mountains to Wolf Creek Ski.

This is the summit of the Great Continental Divide. For those of you napping through 6th grade geography class, the Continental Divide is where all water to the west of the Divide flows to the Pacific Ocean, and all waters flowing east flow to the Gulf of Mexico. Obviously you cannot read the sign this time of year; but we've seen the postcards in town.

After some runs down Kelly Boyce, Easy Out, Turnpike and Powder Puff, we oh so eloquently swooshed off the lift and stopped at the top of the mountain and had a break at the Raven's Nest. The ski guy working there was friendly, sharing tips on which runs we wouldn't kill ourselves on and which ones would be challenging. 

Another group was in having some lunch, and was asking about the trails.  Ski guy says "How long have you been skiing?"  Amateur says "two hours, and I was thinking of going up to Alberta Face (black run)."  Skier guy "Umm....I think you should stick to greens today."

What an idiot!

At Raven's Nest, they offered snacks, drinks, burgers and this Frito Pie. This Frito Pie is created with a recipe from a Santa Fe restaurant and ski guy warned us, "it's spicy but will warm your belly!" 
It was so delicious!  Fritos, green chili stew, cheese, tomats, lettuce and sour cream (to help cool).  $3.50 each and a bottle of water later - we were back on the slopes, bellies warm until dinner time.  

Shrek had to have his pic taken in front of the Star Wars run; however, it's a black diamond, so this is as far as he got on it - and we continued down our green path.


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